Fitness components - with fitness exercises
Physical fitness is essential for every individual in this society, regardless of his age or female; The participant's choice to practice this type of sports activity within the GA programs as a basic need to develop the individual's physical and health capabilities To compensate for the negative impact of civilization and technology on an individual's physical health, every Young people are invited to choose this color of sport because of its physical benefits And good health for the person of this age.
Fitness Elements
Many scholars have divided the components of physical fitness into several different categories, but Most of these sections were similar and lead to the main goal of fitness In short, the basic elements of physical fitness for all individuals she:-
- Body shape and fat percentage
There are many tests to measure the various elements of physical fitness, but here we will provide the following tests to be a starting point for the award participants and supervisors alike, and these are:
1 - Speed test for a distance of 50 meters for both sexes.
2 - Strength test by squeezing the arms from an inclined prone position for males.
3- Strength test by squeezing the arms from an inclined prone position And leaning on the knees for females.
4- A test of the muscular ability of the two legs by the long jump from stability Unisex
5- Agility test by regressive running for both sexes.
6- Muscular skin test of the abdominal muscles by sitting from lying unisex
7- To test the muscular ability of the two men by means of vertical jumping for both sexes.
8 - Endurance test by running and walking a distance of 600 meters for both sexes.
9 - Testing the muscular ability of the arms by throwing the ball forward for both sexes.
10 - Testing muscular strength by means of attachment and tension on the bar for males and on the By screwing on the low bar of the female.
Below are various tests according to the age group of all participants:
Sprint for 50 meters
Below are the details of each test and the tables outlining the test results and the percentage to which each participant of each gender is entitled in each age group.
arm pressure
In this exam, the participant's body must be straight and resting on the toes and hands directly under the shoulders while he is in a prone position. To calculate the number of repetitions of pressing the shoulders, the examinee must stretch and stretch his entire arm, and the examinee can rest in the case of the arms extended only, and the number of repetitions of stretching and walking for the arms is calculated.
As for the females, they are subject to all the conditions that apply to males, except that the rest is on the knees and feet up, as shown in the pictures above.
vertical jump
The participant in this exam stands next to the wall on which the measurement unit is centimeters) and bends the knees and jumps up and touches the highest possible area with his hand. Three attempts are taken and the best of them is calculated.
long jump
The participant stands behind the zero line and the feet should be directly behind the line. Something happens in the knees with the torso inclined in front and the hands back, and when the feet are extended with the knees and pushed forward and up, the hands advance to help push the body forward and get the highest possible distance. The distance is measured by the last trace left by the body on the ground.
Sitting and lying exercise
The body of the participant in this exam must be straight, arms crossed in front of the chest and palms resting on opposite shoulders. When getting up, the elbows should touch the knee and the legs should not rise from the ground. Finally, the largest possible number of raising the torso and returning it to the original position (lying down) is calculated. ) within one minute.
Run and walk 600 metres
This test is measured by the time in which the contestant runs and walks 600 meters and is allowed to walk for comfort. Then jogging, and so on, and calculates the least time taken for the participants. Taking into account choosing a place with the largest straight distance.
Throwing a ball with arms weighing 2 kg
The playing field in this test is divided into lines between each of them, a distance of 5 meters in order to measure the distance that the participant throws.