Hair loss symptoms and treatment methods

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Hair loss symptoms and treatment methods

Causes of hair loss and methods of treating hair loss and intensifying it with herbs, are all questions that every woman who suffers from hair loss continuously thinks of, but why all this concern about hair loss problems, it is normal when we see on a daily basis the fall of hair tufts on the pillow or on the comb, so that We lose about 100 hairs a day.

This is because the life of the strand has ended, but if my lady notices abnormal hair loss, you must take the initiative in treating hair loss and intensifying it based on herbs because it remains the only means available to any woman while she is in her home.

Symptoms of hair loss 

Symptoms of hair loss are many and varied and vary from person to person, these symptoms can appear suddenly or gradually depending on the causes of hair loss that led to it, and hair loss or loss continues for a period or permanently, but most of the symptoms of hair loss are :

  • Gradual loss of hair from the front of the head and continues with age, and these symptoms suffer from men more than women, and most often cause them to go bald.
  • The appearance of bald circular spots on the level of the head, and it can also appear on the man’s snake and the eyebrows as well, as it is one of the symptoms of hair loss as well.
  • Exposure to a physical or psychological trauma can also cause sudden hair loss and hair loss, but the hair returns to its normal growth after overcoming the psychological or physical trauma
  • One of the symptoms of hair loss is also to undergo strong medical treatments such as chemotherapy for cancer, may God protect you, but hair growth can be restored naturally when you stop undergoing such treatments.
  • Suffering from dandruff on the head loses the balance of the hair growth cycle naturally, and for this it is necessary to treat dandruff to keep the scalp healthy and avoid hair loss.

hair fall causes

 There are many reasons that lead to hair loss and loss of its luster and firmness, and they cannot be limited to one reason alone. In most cases, the causes of hair loss are either family history, hormonal changes, poor nutrition or medications.

Family history (genetics)

Heredity is one of the common causes of hair loss for most people who suffer from hair loss, and the symptoms of hair loss usually appear gradually in men with the appearance of circular spots in the beard or hair, while women suffer from hair thinning.

Hormones and stress

  • Childbirth 

After a woman undergoes the delivery process, she often suffers from
Excessive and excessive hair loss, due to a lack of estrogen levels in the body, but after a period of time the woman regains the vitality of her hair, but hair loss must be treated and intensified with herbs.

  • Menopause

Hair loss, hair loss and loss of luster is common during menopause in women, but its vitality can be restored by undergoing herbal hair loss treatment to repair the damage done to it. ,

  • Stress

For example, exposure to a psychological crisis or family problems can cause you to lose hair temporarily, so the most appropriate solution to avoid hair loss is to stay away from all problems to preserve the health of our bodies

Diet and poor nutrition

Weight loss: Sudden weight loss is one of the causes of hair loss
Also, this appears after 5 or 6 months of sudden weight loss. ,

  • Vitamin A

 Eating foods rich in vitamin A also contributes to sudden hair loss.

  • Protein deficiency

A deficiency in protein can cause hair loss and fall, and for this it is necessary to provide the necessary amount to maintain normal hair growth.

  • Iron deficiency

 One of the causes of hair loss is not having enough iron
Iron that the body needs on a daily basis,

Eating disorders: Anorexia and binge eating disorders lead to imbalanced dieting and malnutrition, which in turn promote hair loss and thinning hair.

  • Medicine

 There are many medications that cause hair loss, including:
  • Blood thinners, taking a high dose of vitamin A.
  • Taking medications that treat arthritis, depression, gout, heart problems, and high blood pressure
  • Taking birth control pills also causes hair loss.
  •  Taking steroids to improve athletic performance and build muscle may cause hair to fall out and lose its density.

Methods of treating and intensifying hair loss

If you are looking for " best hair loss treatment " Here are the tips:


Most people wonder why massage is so important to the scalp? The answer is simply massage is an effective treatment to prevent hair loss, because it stimulates the blood circulation of the hair and stimulates it to bring the materials it needs to maintain hair growth naturally.

What are the best oils for a head massage?

 Coconut oil: Coconut oil contains high levels of lauric acid, which has antibacterial properties that protect your scalp from infection. And moisturize it.

Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the oils rich in antioxidants that protect the scalp from dandruff.

Almond oil

Almond oil is rich in vitamins D, E, iron, magnesium, calcium, and fats that fight hair loss. To massage the hair and take advantage of its benefits more broadly.

Rosemary oil (rosemary oil)

 You can mix rosemary oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil or almond oil and massage the scalp every 3 days to treat hair loss and maintain its density, all of these oils are rich in very useful elements for the scalp.


Omega-3 fatty acids

What are the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for hair? Easily Omega 3 reaches the hair faster and nourishes the hair roots and protects it from breakage and fall, and therefore Omega 3 helps to grow and treat hair loss effectively and quickly.
Omega-3 fatty acids with flaxseeds, walnuts, salmon, sardines, soybeans.

Zinc: What is the benefit of zinc for hair?

 The answer to one of the causes of hair loss and loss of its density is a deficiency in zinc, because it is an essential component in building proteins necessary for hair growth and maintaining its stability. Sun, walnut, chicken and beef.

Protein: What is the benefit of protein for hair?

 The main component of hair is protein, so if you do not eat foods that contain protein, your hair will not grow!!!, and a lack of protein causes early graying, meaning that protein is a must to treat hair loss, and foods rich in protein are salmon, poultry and eggs Soybeans and beef.

Iron: What is the benefit of iron for hair?

 Iron is responsible for the transfer of oxygen to the tissues of the head and in general to the whole body, meaning that any deficiency in the iron component leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen transported, and thus a decline in the mechanism of blood circulation, i.e. hair loss and weakening of its roots, and for the treatment of hair loss and its thickening and the treatment of iron deficiency, You can focus on eating iron-rich foods such as egg yolks, red meat, leafy green vegetables, prunes and raisins.

Natural recipes to treat hair loss

Hair fall treatment near me is the best home remedy available.

Egg mask for hair:

 Treating hair loss is easy with an egg mask for hair because of the amazing benefits of eggs to intensify and lengthen hair quickly and effectively, thanks to the fact that it contains high levels of proteins, zinc, sulfur, iron, phosphorous and iodine. All of these ingredients are necessary for quick and sale hair growth, simply whisk Two eggs and put them on the hair for 30 minutes, repeat this process every 3 days and you will get the result from the second or third use.

Honey, eggs and olive oil

The recipe is easy to prepare, but its effectiveness in treating hair loss and intensifying it, all you have to do is add a tablespoon of honey and olive oil to an egg white and then mix all the ingredients well until you get a homogeneous dough, then put the mixture on your hair for 20 minutes, repeat the recipe Honey, eggs and olive oil and you will notice the difference.

Onion juice

 You can extract onion juice by mixing it, grinding it and then filtering it, then put the juice on the hair scalp with a massage to absorb the components of onions for hair growth and intensification quickly and effectively. Hair loss and thickening naturally.

Fenugreek recipe:

 Fenugreek is one of the effective ingredients in increasing the length and density of hair, so you can make full use of it by soaking it for a whole night in water, then grinding it the next day and mixing it with a little olive or coconut oil and placing it on the hair scalp for 45 minutes and then rinsing it with water Good for getting rid of its smell, this easy and simple mask works to treat hair loss effectively and also helps stimulate the growth and thickness of your hair and makes it smooth as silk.

Garlic recipe:

 Who among us does not know the benefits of garlic in treating all hair problems such as brittleness, loss and baldness, as it is a natural miracle in treating hair loss, all you have to do, madam, is to take 3 cloves of garlic and boil them in a little olive or coconut oil, then make Massage the scalp on a daily basis, as these simple steps help the hair to enhance the work of its tissues and lengthen and intensify your hair.

Banana recipe:

 Banana contains moisturizing and therapeutic ingredients for hair loss and smoothing frizzy hair, thanks to its content. All you have to do, madam, is to mash a banana and add milk or honey to it and put it on the scalp for 20 minutes, after rinsing the hair directly you will notice the difference.


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